View 360° Fire & Rescue Command vehicle

During major incidents, where more than one emergency service in attendance, with multiple command and control vehicles attending the incident, some means is necessary to create a single cohesive communications system instead of three separate ones. With a CommandNET cloud-based server solution this is easily achievable, ensuring that all emergency responders and commanders can communicate swiftly and effectively with not only their own personnel but between all organisations in an interoperable and coordinated manner.

  1. Private LTE
  2. IP Telephony
  3. KVM Matrix
Provides a secure, wireless, single gateway, local area network (LAN). Reaching distances of up to 1km around the Command and Control vehicle, access to the network is achieved through any SIM-carrying mobile device, including laptops, tablets and smart phones. The network provides seamless coverage within minutes using individual subscriber authentication key (KI) encryption for maximum security. The LTE provides network access at very low latency ensuring that data, such as orders to teams and imagery, is exchanged in real-time.
Also known as Voice over Internet Protocol (Voice over IP or VoIP) allows voice communications and data to be shared between users over either the Bence private LTE or public internet networks (satellite and Major Network Operators, e,g, EE, O2, etc). During major incidents involving the deployment of a Command Vehicle, it is very likely that the public switched telephone network (PSTN) may become overloaded as people make calls and use data; the CommandNET IP Telephony system bypasses the PSTN and uses private, secure internet access to make the cross-over to other devices on the network. This guarantees a stable and reliable communications route in and around the incident ground enabling commanders to continue to operate effectively no matter the circumstances.
A hardware device that allows a user to control multiple computers from one or more sets of keyboards, monitors, and mice. All devices being used within or remotely connected to the Command Vehicle can be controlled by all keyboards, monitors and mice connected through the KVM Matrix. Our KVM Matrix enables staff and commanders to redeploy information displayed on particular screens to any other screen within the network; this can include superior HQs in other locations. For example, the commander can fully interact and control all devices on board their own command vehicle whilst allowing his superiors to view and manage displayed information from their HQ buildings miles away. The KVM Matrix is also fully integrated within the Bence Command SUMS software.